Mental Health First Aid: Military, Veterans, & Families

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Mental Health First Aid: Military, Veterans, & Families

09/21/2023 @ 09:00 am - 09/21/2023 @ 04:00 pm

21 Sep 09:00 am - 04:00 pm

Mental Health First Aid for Military, Veterans, and their Families is an evidence-based and early intervention training program developed for adults to learn how to assist and support members of their community who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge.

This training specifically addresses the relevance of mental health to military culture, information on risk factors such as mental and physical trauma faced by many service members and their families, how to break down stigma and how to reach out to those who suffer in silence and are reluctant to seek help.

EveryMind and ServingTogether invite our service members, veterans and their families to a Veteran Mental Health First Aid workshop on:

Thursday, September 21
9 am – 4 pm

Sheppard Pratt Veteran Service Center
234 N. Broadway St. Baltimore, MD 21231

Registration link:

