EveryMind 2024 Legislative Wrap Up: Leading the Charge in Mental Health Advocacy

National Recognition and Advocacy Impact

EveryMind 2024 Legislative Wrap Up: Leading the Charge in Mental Health Advocacy

As we continue to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month and with another legislative session behind us, we’re thrilled to share some exciting updates about our work at EveryMind. This past year, we’ve been busy advocating for mental health awareness and have achieved some big wins that will make a real difference in our community and beyond.

Strong Advocacy at the County Level:
  • Gun Safety and Suicide Awareness: We testified before the Montgomery County Council in support of the Suicide Awareness and  Firearm Education (SAFE) Act, mandating that gun shops hand out life-saving resources on suicide prevention and firearm safety.
  • Nonprofit Funding Advocacy: We advocated for an inflation-adjusted increase in funding for nonprofits to ensure that organizations like ours can continue their critical work
  • Montgomery County Hotline Support: We championed the importance of ongoing support for the Montgomery County and 988 Hotlines, vital resources for those in crisis.
Strong Advocacy at the County Level
State-Level Legislative Successes:
  • 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Youth Advocacy: We played a pivotal role in reinforcing the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline for our youth by pushing for the inclusion of 988 on student ID cards and school handbooks.
  • 988 Funding Streams Advocacy: We advocated for the implementation of a nominal phone bill charge, like 911, to create a steady funding stream for this critical mental health service.
  • Support for Aging Independence: We supported the launch of a program helping older adults to live independently (Senate Bill 875), turned into law on April 25th.
State-Level Legislative Successes
National Recognition and Advocacy Impact:
  • Federal Engagement on Mental Health in the Workplace: Congressman Trone,  alongside US Assistant Secretary of Labor Lisa Gomez, led a meaningful discussion at EveryMind’s offices about making mental health support a priority at work. This roundtable, featuring key voices like our CEO Ann Mazur and leaders from Maryland’s opioid and labor departments, spotlighted the need for better mental health services in jobs across the board.
  • Active Role in Enhancing the 988 Crisis Line: CEO Ann Mazur’s invitation to speak at the FCC signaled our active role in enhancing how 988 calls are routed to local call centers, broadening our influence and impact on national mental health policy.
  • Participation in the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: We engaged in the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention launch at the White House, our invitation being a testament to EveryMind’s significant contributions to the mental health advocacy landscape.
National Recognition and Advocacy Impact

These milestones mark just the beginning of our journey. EveryMind remains committed to advancing mental health awareness, support, and advocacy, laying down the groundwork for a future where mental wellness is prioritized and accessible to all.