Girl follows behind family on a Christmas walk, demonstrating the importance of preparing youth for holiday blues.

Preparing Youth for Holiday Blues

The youth mental health crisis is fast becoming the defining education and public health issue of our time. Another nationwide poll released just last week shows that both school administrators and parents believe that young people’s mental health is in a crisis state, with over 90% of administrators and nearly 60% of parents reporting moderate to severe challenges. A recent article in The Washington Post underscores that the crisis of student mental health is much vaster than we realize.

While the holidays are for many a time of joy and togetherness, for others the season only exacerbates feelings of stress, loneliness, and isolation. Youth suffering from depression and anxiety are especially vulnerable at this time.

As you prepare for the holidays with children, and welcome your older kids back from college, refer to these resources to address and navigate the holiday blues some may be feeling.